Calendar 2020 Exhibition & Dance Mallorca 2020

Este año la recaudación de la venta del calendario irá íntegramente a la «Asociación InmensaMENT». Asociación para la promoción y defensa de la salud mental de los niños y jóvenes de las Islas Baleares.

The students of the Academia Pole & Dance Mallorca have once again starred in the charity calendar which, as is already tradition, they carry out every year in favour of some charitable action helping some association or NGO with their benefits. This year, the presentation will be held at the Alexander Lounge Bar in Palma on the 15th of December from 6pm. In the event you can enjoy various exhibitions, raffles, music and lots of fun. The association chosen this year is "Inmensament" which aims to support young people with mental illness in the Balearic Islands.

We want all children and young people in the Balearic Islands with mental health problems, as well as their families, to be able to live in a safe and welcoming community that understands and supports their needs, and offers quality health, educational and social services so that we all have the best opportunities.

According to her, Joana Maria Rossellóvice-president of this association, the great objectives of “ImmensaMENT” are to fight so that the educational centers, from the schools to the University, have the necessary supports and adaptations so that the minors who suffer these limitations can be educated in same conditions.

«Está comprobado que aproximadamente la mitad de los estudiantes mayores de 14 años que padecen trastornos mentales acaban abandonando los estudios», denuncia. Y el problema no es menor. Durante 2015, el IBSMIA trató 4000 nuevos casos y la OMS calcula que 1 de cada 5 jóvenes menores de 18 años padecerá algún trastorno mental, estadística que nos dice que unos 40.000 adolescentes de Balears están en riesgo.

At Pole & Dance Mallorca we don't want any family to feel alone, disorientated and overwhelmed while striving to provide the right care for their children.

You can follow the association through its FACEBOOK:

We are waiting for you all!